• Virtual Widget for Kentico MVC
    Article Sep 8, 2020
    As developers convert websites from Portal Engine to MVC, Many have said there should be a way to allow front end developers to create virtual widgets in MVC, similar to Portal. That way, front end developers can work more independently, instead of relying on backend develope...

  • Routing and URL handling in MVC
    Article Jun 5, 2019
    The process of URL resolution in MVC is fundamentally different from Portal Engine. It is a vast topic, so nobody really wants to learn it all. However, to set up robust yet simple routing that will make your editors happy, you just need to know a few basics. Are you ready?

  • Kentico 12 MVC Sections
    Question Feb 12, 2019
    Is it possible to specify which sections are allowed on a given EditableArea? I know how to define a section (https://docs.kentico.com/k12/developing-websites/page-builder-development/developing-page-builder-sections), how to specify the default section on a given EditableAre...

  • MVC 12 Widget error
    Question Apr 3, 2019
    Hi All, I was trying to add configuration properties for my widget. I'm able load and place the widget in a section and while opening configuration i'm getting error and it was showing popup(refer screenshots). ![Image Text](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/cdaTHgbf3tkdcSJ...

  • Smart Search MVC
    Question Sep 29, 2020
    I'm working on a smart search I need to know if I can search on specific fields of the page type and have something like advanced search - I have a page type called article with fields like "title, content" it has parents of Subcategory and main category page types - local s...

  • MVC and generated pages
    Question Jan 13, 2020
    I'm working through learning MVC and am starting off by building a basic site. I'm new to MVC and the development side of kentico in general. Its starting to click, which is great, but I still have a ton of questions. One thing I am working on right now is just setting up ...

  • .net core mvc question
    Question Jun 22, 2021
    very basic question, Just trying to fully understand what I am doing. I'm my viewmodel I have these 2 lines var documents = await departmentDocumentsRepository.GetDocumentsAsync(nodeAliasPath); var documentsModel = documents.Select(departmentDocumment => DepartmentDo...

  • Kentico 12 MVC Caching
    Question Oct 23, 2020
    Hi, I created a menu controller with cache. I have the outputcachedependency set to **PrimaryMenu** and it is working fine. But I want to include **Secondary Menu** to the **outputcachedependency** Is that possible to add Primany Menu and its children to Cachedependency. do...

  • Creating an MVC Widget Showcase Site with Kentico EMS and MVC – Getting Started
    Article Jan 25, 2019
    With the release of Kentico 12, there’s no secret that MVC is the future for all things Kentico. From the simplest brochure sites to the most complex integrations, MVC is the recommended approach for any developer working with the platform (have we made that clear enough yet?...

  • Displaying Images in MVC from the CMSdesk
    Question Mar 21, 2016
    How do you display images you chose in CMSDesk in your MVC application? Also, is there anyway to add an attachment field to a product? We are attempting to add ecommerce functionality though MVC, but I can't find a way to do a file upload field for a product image.

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