• Hidden sub menus in page type editor
    Question Oct 17, 2019
    On a new Kentico site I am running I have some missing sub menus when editing page types. Importantly I am missing fields. Any tips? Thanks [Missing](https://web.tresorit.com/l#MxB9wfVEDukQbqyPme4MGg&viewer=TimfjeJUIgiXZc2eCOwnRvfWMVZ8oIAo) [Normal](https://web.tresorit.c...

  • Relationships
    Forum Post Nov 18, 2005
    Hi, I've created some Document Templates with a DropDownList Champ in each template. They should contain the same members for all the documents in wich it's defined. This champ can grown up with other elements, so that I don't want to have to modify it in each template on...

  • Beginner questions: Any help appreciated
    Forum Post Aug 7, 2007
    I'll disclaim at the outset that I have negligible experience with .NET. With that said, though, I still have to implement Kentico for someone, and while I've gotten the hang of a bit of it, I still have one rather large stumbling block: I need to open my Kentico installat...

  • RE:My tips with CMSMenu
    Forum Post May 5, 2009
    We're using 4.0 and the CMSListMenu control to display a sidebar sub-menu with ASPX templates. I may be missing something here, but setting WhereCondition is not working for me. This is our markup: <cms:CMSListMenu ID="subMenu" runat="server" ClassNames="CMS.MenuItem" D...

  • RE:Tagging for News item
    Forum Post Aug 26, 2010
    Hi Pavelk i'm trying that and i get "The attribute size must be an integer number greater than zero. Length of the attribute default value string mustn't exceed attribute size. " when i click ok in document types > fields the attribute size is greyed out so i can'...

  • Direct registration to a GROUP by group admin
    Forum Post Nov 26, 2010
    HI, I would like to create a custom registration form that only a GROUP ADMIN can see (can add it to group management page). I would like the group admin to fill in userName, Name, password, (maybe already give a group ROLE). When group admin click REGISTER and email is ...

  • RE:Document Alias Path and Custom Url Path Allows access to the same page causing a duplicate page for Search Engines
    Forum Post Jun 6, 2011
    Hi, I've also experience the same issue. In google webmasters tools, I now have almost all existing document showing both Document alias & Document URL path. one example page; Title: Insurance Hints & Tips | DirectAsia Singapore url1: /links-and-tips.aspx url2: /...

  • RE:Customize <a> tag (specifically style) on unsubscribe macro
    Forum Post Jun 30, 2011
    Hello, Well, newsletters styling is always a bit tricky. You need to use multiple CSS tricks and hacks to make it consistent all across the e-mail clients (if it's even possible). At any rate, you might find useful the following way of defining custom unsubscribe link: htt...

  • RE:Perfomance Problem
    Forum Post Jul 12, 2011
    Hi, we have the Page in the Internet and it is reachable here: I have tried finding the lack by Using Memory Profiler, Perfomance Profile and Database Deadlock Finder. But no result. I think the main Problem is the Mass of pages that are pars...

  • Kentico 6 is slower than ever
    Forum Post Nov 3, 2011
    Hi guys, So I've been doing Kentico projects for almost a year now. Kentico 5.5R2 has always been slow for me but it seems that 6 is even slower. Today I've decided to take action on this and ask you guys for advice. When I navigate between pages and even when I'm expand...

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