• How to get UniSelector form control to limit documents to a relative path?
    Question Nov 27, 2017
    I am using the UniSelector on a page type field to display multiple documents, except I only want child documents of the current page to be listed for the CMS Editor to select. In the WHERE clause of the UniSelector control settings I am entering the following: `NodeAliasPat...

  • How to get uniselector form control to limit documents to a relative path?
    Question Aug 31, 2017
    I have a page type with a field that uses a uniselector. I have the 'where' condition restricting to a single type of document. I'd like to also be able to restrict the uniselector to only documents where the path is relative to the current document. eg: /somefolder/product...

  • Limit the number of a child page type per parent
    Question Oct 25, 2019
    As mentioned in the subject, is there a way to limit the number of a child page type per parent? Assuming I have the page type `Subpage` allowed under `Page`, and the `Page` named "Home Page" has 4 `Subpage`s, the user should not be able to create another `Subpage` under "Ho...

  • It is possible to export/import/limit any specific page/document,or specific branch in content tree
    Question Jan 25, 2017
    I want to export site with specified pages/document is there any why to choose specific page in a content tree during site export. Please suggest Thanks

  • Limit Domain Roles created in Kentico
    Forum Post Nov 9, 2012
    We are looking into enabling Mixed Mode Authentication. External users would use Kentico Security and internal users would use Active Directory. With Mixed mode, we are able to login without specifying the domain in the login. Is there a way to limit which roles from the Ac...

  • Adding character limit to form message field
    Question Aug 19, 2019
    I have had a number of concerns come through telling me that 500 characters is not enough. How do I go about adding characters to the form message filed? Thanks!

  • Limit form submissions
    Question Sep 27, 2020
    Hello, is there a way to set maximum number for form submissions, so that when the max number is reached, the submit button would be disabled? This form would be used for event registration with limited number of seats. MVC v12. Thanks!

  • Increase Macro Timeout limit in web config
    Question Dec 1, 2021
    In portal engine, I am currently experiencing the macro resolver time out issue due to macro time out. My code is fully optimized but anyhow i need to increase the timeout. I want to put generic timeout in web.config for macros instead of putting into after each macro codes. ...

  • Increase Macro Timeout limit in web config
    Question Oct 20, 2021
    In portal engine, I am currently experiencing the macro resolver time out issue due to macro time out. My code is fully optimized but anyhow i need to increase the timeout. I want to put generic timeout in web.config for macros instead of putting into after each macro codes. I...

  • Re: Limiting Character size in HTML editor
    Forum Post Sep 21, 2005
    Hi, unfortunately, there's no reliable way how to limit the font size. You would need to use a simple TextArea instead. If you're asking about limiting the maximum length, you can specify the maximum number of characters in the MaxLength property of the CMSEditableRegion...

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