Looks like the length of URL Slugs changed from 50 characters to 100 moving from K12 to 13. Is there a way to reduce the character limit to 50 in K13?
I'm sure you could go into the Modules application within Kentico and find the proper class to update that field length. Any particular reason you need to do that?
On our K12 site we pull in new articles from an outside source, it generated the url path but now when we pull those articles K13 the url path is much longer.
In your custom code to get those articles and generate them in Kentico, trim the URL path when you create those articles to 50 characters vs. modifying the OOTB functionality.
Aren't those Page URLS generated by the Page Name? I don't want to limit the page name, unless there's a place to set the Page URL in code.
You can specify those when you create the document. Or if it's done automatically, you can create the document, then update the url based on the shortened value.
You can specify the URL when creating the document in code? You wouldn't have an example, I'm not entirely sure which field it is.
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