Using macros in WYSIWYG

Andy Fierro asked on May 16, 2020 05:34

I have inserted this macro from the WYSIWYG:

{% CurrentBrowser.Browser.Trim #%}

When I render the page I get this:

{% CurrentBrowser.Browser.Trim |(user)XXXXXXXXXX|(hash)a58a7a427a709f05631bf235aecd97fe0c00ea438dc74f44c7b152e5da2935ac%}

What am I missing?

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on May 16, 2020 06:06

You need to use the macro widget to add your code to the editor. Adding it as regular macro syntax will now work. The macro widget is the 2 curley braces on the far right of the editor toolbar.

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Andy Fierro answered on May 16, 2020 06:13

I'm using the one that looks like this {#}. Is that the correct one?

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Juraj Ondrus answered on May 18, 2020 09:30

That should be correct. One more question - where is the WYSIWYG editor placed? Is it on the Page tab or on the Form tab? Or, in other words - what way are you using to display/render the content of the rich text field on the live site? Maybe you are using some wrong approach which does not have the macro resolving logic implemented.

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