I'm trying to configure Kentico to stor media file in Azure Blob Storage. I've already found aritcle in documentation where this issue is decribe. I follow steps - add two keys in web.config, copy and change code as follow:
mediaProvider.CustomRootPath = "MyContainerThatIHaveInAzure";
StorageHelper.MapStoragePath("~/MySiteCodeName/media/", mediaProvider);
The rest of code is the same. MyContainerThatIHaveInAzure is new container without any files inside.
I've rebuild solution and open in my localhost. When I log in to administrator panel go to Media library application I can find list of media libaries that were already created. When I click on one of them to edit files inside i get follown error
FolderTree.FailedLoad: [ContainerInfoProvider.GetContainer]: Error when getting container (it may be caused by inability to connect to the cloud).
Does anyone have any ideas?
If someone will encounter the same problem, try to add to web.config to appSettings following key:
<add key="CMSAzureBlobEndPoint" value="AzureBlobEndPoint />
Endpoint is probably something like this https://storagesample.blob.core.windows.net
I have a post on this here as well.
What is your blob storage container setup like? Is this property set to true in your code?
mediaProvider.PublicExternalFolderObject = true;
Yes it is set on true. My blob storage is set to public. Should I configure something more?
Brenden's solution usually works but for a future reference, you might also need to specify "CMSAzureBlobEndPoint" settings key in your web.config file. It is used as an endpoint for the connection to the blob service of your storage account.
Hi Brenden,
I have "mediaProvider.PublicExternalFolderObject = false;" but having the same issue.
Is it necessary to have the value set to true ?
Your try is really good and I am appreciate you for this try but this is not good way of configure. You can visit the EssayShark website and here you can read about configuring in detail then understand batter.
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