Hi, I also tried the method of upgrade as Sabyasachi Panda above to save time on upgrading instances where the project code folders are the same. The databases are different in name and content. Basically I ran the upgrade installers on the first project instance and corrected all code. For all other instances I planned to use a copy of the corrected and tested project folder. Run SQL upgrade scripts against other databases to bring them up to 8.2 and then change the connection string to the new instance to use the correct database. I have 7 upgrades where the project folders are almost exact except the web.config connection string. My plan was to just upgrade the databases with sql upgrade scripts. IS this a possible method? Otherwise after initial testing by the customer I will have to run installer upgrade again so that content is update before going live. Did anyone solve the string data/time error?
UPDATE: I ran a refresh query from an old post just to see if it would work since this is a test environment and it did eliminate the string error but the query had its own errors. I posted query and errors below. I did notice the CMSDataVersion is at 7.0 while the CMSDBVersion is at 8.2. Not sure if that is also a problem.
/Refresh all views/
DECLARE @statusCursor CURSOR;
SET @statusCursor = CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsView') = 1 AND category = 0;
DECLARE @viewName nvarchar(450);
DECLARE @viewSchema nvarchar(450);
OPEN @statusCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM @statusCursor INTO @viewName;
SET @viewSchema = (select TOP 1 TABLE_SCHEMA from information_schema.views WHERE TABLE_NAME = @viewName)
SET @viewName = @viewSchema + '.' + @viewName;
EXECUTE sp_refreshview @viewName;
FETCH NEXT FROM @statusCursor INTO @viewName;
CLOSE @statusCursor;
DEALLOCATE @statusCursor;
Msg 15165, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_refreshsqlmodule_internal, Line 55
Could not find object 'dbo.View_CMS_Tree_Joined_Regular' or you do not have permission.
Msg 15165, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_refreshsqlmodule_internal, Line 55
Could not find object 'dbo.View_CMS_Tree_Joined_Linked' or you do not have permission.