Hi Jan, as mentioned before, I have the following Idea in mind:
Based on the integer in the Amount property the Editor can display and edit more or less Icons as he desires, i.e amount = 5 thus the editor can edit the properties of 5 icons that should be displayed, if amount = 1 only one icon can be displayed/modified. As of now the Columns property has no function, that is for future usage.
Regarding your properties retriever, I do not understand why I would need it as my controller is using the WidgetControllerIconWallWidgetProperties> Interface which allows me access to the GetProperties Method based on
a TPropertiesType and return the Type TPropertiesType. That means I already have the properties accessible in my controller. If I indeed would need the IWidgetPropertiesRetriever why is this nowhere mentioned in the documentation/example?
As for the answer from Juraj,
thank you for your help unfortunately this has nothing to do with the sample widget from the documentation. More or less it's the basic setup of a widget I require and that means dynamically increase the properties. As I was saying, right now I'm able to work this out with the standard Model via a List. The Problem I have right now is saving the properties correctly (when the editor want to save his changes).
Thanks again