Change Site Language for current user form Code Behind

manju rani asked on May 6, 2016 13:12

Hi, I have added a custom Language Selector dropdown in Kentico website. On selecting language from that dropdown, content pages are not getting refreshed. what method should I call to refresh the content page from code behind (C#).

Thanks Manju

Recent Answers

Anton Grekhovodov answered on May 6, 2016 13:23

Did you add AutoPostBack="true" attribute to your dropdown?

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manju rani answered on May 6, 2016 13:31

Yes. Page is getting refreshed but not items in header and footer which are different webparts in same content page.

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Trevor Fayas answered on May 6, 2016 15:11

Stupid question potentially, but is the Ajax panel option off?

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Brenden Kehren answered on May 6, 2016 16:52

Once the language is switched, simply do a Response.Redirect(CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath) and it will reload that page you are currently on.

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