Installation and deployment
Version 7.x > Installation and deployment
Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
changing datetime to shamsi (Persian datetime) Iman
7 4141 Iman
(3/22/2014 3:42:22 AM)
Data Base Table Relation Change hanaa.sayed7-gmail
3 3080 hanaa.sayed7-gmail
(3/16/2014 7:10:18 AM)
Trimming staging tasks pmcweb
2 2770 kentico_jurajo
(3/6/2014 1:51:57 AM)
Getting error in shared environment info-kentico-template
3 2435 info-kentico-template
(3/5/2014 1:33:11 AM)
getting "View State MAC failed" error neelesh.malvi-gmail
2 4666 kentico_jurajo
(3/4/2014 7:20:26 AM)
Hosting as Azure Website - guide and best practices ks-adaptdev
2 2780 kentico_filipl
(2/25/2014 6:26:58 AM)
Override/Relogin Windows Authentication SLorenz
4 5201 SLorenz
(2/12/2014 3:22:11 AM)
Staging Server Service URL Returns 404 andrew-robulack
3 4740 andrew-robulack
(2/11/2014 2:09:44 PM)
CMSApp.csproj references absent files after installing barebones web application project bdrenner-new42
2 2648 kentico_jurajo
(2/9/2014 4:06:58 AM)
Where place user controls' .ascx files for export? bdrenner-new42
2 2768 FroggEye
(2/6/2014 11:56:01 AM)
Installation Issue zachary.cobb-chickasaw
2 3675 FroggEye
(2/4/2014 2:09:34 PM)
Screen Lock
4 2898 Kentico_RichardS
(2/4/2014 1:58:36 AM)
Sync css in themes AnthonyG
6 3192 kentico_martind2
(2/3/2014 10:07:16 PM)
Installation Problem colin.head-kaba
8 5141 kentico_martind2
(1/24/2014 6:29:29 PM)
Extra 'Select' item in drop down list positivepurchasing
3 3648 positivepurchasing
(1/22/2014 7:50:47 AM)
CMS Site Manager dashboard page doesn't render ks-adaptdev
5 3972 FroggEye
(1/15/2014 2:54:13 PM)
Delay in published page going live esolutions
4 3938 FroggEye
(1/14/2014 12:58:26 PM)
"No Internet Connection" error message. Jerreck
11 4428 Jerreck
(1/12/2014 10:48:47 AM)
Cannot modufy website in visual studio - free version. Jerreck
3 2630 Jerreck
(1/12/2014 10:45:47 AM)
"Installation to Root" needed to use the software for multiple sites (URLs)? Geoff Garcia
2 2648 kentico_jurajo
(1/10/2014 2:26:42 AM)
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