The first 8 case studies on Kentico CMS are ready
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EuroKing |
Healthcare, IT/IS |
Euroking is the largest provider of Maternity Information Systems in the UK and have been working with Maternity Departments across the UK and Ireland for more than 25 years. EuroKing have provided over 100 obstetric, neonatal, ultrasound and gynaecology units with a "one stop shop" for information throughout pregnancy and birth making us the largest provider of MIS technology. |
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Frizer Shop |
Hairdresser, Cosmetics, Salon Equipment |
Frizer Shop is an online web shop of a company named Top Stil LMS from Zagreb, Croatia. Top Stil LMS is the largest supplier for hairdresser and cosmetics salons. They represent more than 15 world leading brands in the industry. The main goal is to offer their large range of products for current and new potential customers over Internet. |
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Frizer Shop |
Frizerska, kozmetička i salonska oprema |
Frizer Shop je internet trgovina tvrtke Top Stil LMS iz Zagreba, Hrvatske, Top Stil LMS je najveći dobavljač frizerske, kozmetičke i salonske opreme. Zastupaju više od 15 svjetski poznatih brandova. Glavni cilj je bio ponuditi njihov veliki spektar proizvoda trenutnim i potencijalno novim kupcima putem interneta. |
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Linked .NET Users Group Site |
On-line Community |
The official INETA Linked.NET Group! (LIDNUG) is meant to be for professionals using or interested in the Microsoft .NET technologies. Since November 26, 2007 when this group was created it has more than 30.000 of members. |
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Separation Science |
Scientifi c Publishing |
The official INETA Linked.NET Group! (LIDNUG) is meant to be for professionals using or interested in the Microsoft .NET technologies. Since November 26, 2007 when this group was created it has more than 30.000 of members. |
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Environmental Resource Agency |
The Tahoe Integrated Information Management System (TIIMS) houses and disseminates information about the Lake Tahoe Basin's planning and restoration efforts. TIIMS contains tools to meet the needs of all stakeholders within the Basin. |
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Xiaoguo |
Information and Technology service |
XiaGuo represents an information cloud about new technologies, Patents, inventions, talents, and other knowledge resource, facilitate technology transfer, and improve the utilization of the existing capacity of the knowledge networks in China. |
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