Don't Miss Upcoming Twitch Sessions


Did you catch the last episode of "The Boring Kentico Show" on Twitch? Find the topics and dates for the upcoming episodes below.

What's coming?

A lot of stuff around Blazor! It looks like a very promising new technology which will hopefully provide a great user experience for developers coming from WebForms as well as those who want to write client-side code without JavaScript.

Apart from Blazor I will touch on automating tasks via Netlify Functions and try to build and run some hardware connected to the cloud-based ecosystem.

Add these dates to your calendar:

  • September 4 Blazor - Integrating content from headless CMS into map (part 2); adding unit tests for services
  • September 11 Blazor - Storing user data in cookies; Deploying to production
  • November 6 Blazor - Working with server-side databases in client/server app
  • November 20 Automating recurring tasks using Netlify Functions and content from headless CMS
  • December 4 Connecting IoT GPS tracker to a headless CMS based ecosystem

What would you like to hear or see? Let me know!

What about October?

There are no planned sessions for October as that is the month of Kentico Connections. However, there will be some ad-hoc sessions if I discover something ground-breaking. Like how to debug Blazor or stop procrastinating.

Follow me on Twitch or Twitter and you won't miss a thing.

See all previous episodes on Youtube.

UPDATE 24/09/2019! Twitch sessions shifted - check the new dates and update your calendars!

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Ondrej Polesny

Hi! I am a Developer Evangelist here at Kentico and my aim is to provide guidance and solutions for the technical community around both Kentico EMS and Kentico Cloud. I can also help with drinking beer.