New features Please use as the primary place to submit your suggestions and allow others to vote for your ideas!
Version 5.x > New features
Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
Android and iPhone mobile version not working terrenceforever-gmail
2 3241 kentico_ondrejv
(2/7/2011 3:12:12 AM)
RESTful Interface to create documents garios
2 1700 kentico_borisp
(1/31/2011 7:40:06 AM)
Content slider navigation types frederik.kohleick-netzkern
2 2800 kentico_borisp
(1/25/2011 1:57:53 PM)
Project Management martinagency
2 1872 kentico_borisp
(1/12/2011 7:17:47 AM)
Please provide more info on Marketing Package features in Version 6 bmcfarlane-liv.asn
2 2817 michaln
(11/18/2010 2:54:57 AM)
Bulk Translation office-css-web
2 2859 kentico_ondrejv
(11/16/2010 2:04:58 AM)
Lazyload For Kentico
2 2152 kentico_zdenekc
(11/12/2010 7:43:13 AM)
TotalCahe In Kentico
2 3276 kentico_jurajo
(11/11/2010 1:37:08 AM)
Thinking about a new "multilingual label edit panel"
4 2756 Antonio.Laccetti_eLogic
(11/3/2010 10:07:33 AM)
menu related issue senthil-anubavam
2 2780 kentico_ivanat
(9/10/2010 2:46:47 AM)
How to trace user recent visited page in community site or other? Harish
2 2825 kentico_mirekr
(9/2/2010 2:08:30 AM)
Event Date srizzetto-microgate
4 1705 kentico_borisp
(7/14/2010 7:22:55 AM)
RSS Reader in Kentico 5.5 jerome-r42
3 2513 kentico_helenag
(5/28/2010 6:08:39 AM)
Software engineer-Window based application ( .net ) ulichi.ashokkumar72-gmail
2 1478 kentico_borisp
(4/27/2010 9:49:00 AM)
Ability for an external user to add products - ecommerce david.seijo-shawinc
2 2044 kentico_jurajo
(4/12/2010 2:46:23 AM)
Improvement of Devnet forum Search. magnus-tenk
2 1500 kentico_jurajo
(2/2/2010 2:57:41 PM)
Document Management module jgreen-nedelta
2 4197 kentico_helenag
(1/21/2010 2:49:29 AM)
1 2