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Version 5.x > New features > RESTful Interface to create documents View modes: 
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garios - 1/26/2011 6:03:54 PM
RESTful Interface to create documents
I think it would be great if Kentico can add the functionality to create new documents in the CMS (news, products, etc) via a RESTful (or SoAP) Web Service. This would be very nice to automatically create content in the CMS from other systems.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 1/31/2011 7:40:06 AM
RE:RESTful Interface to create documents

We are currently evaluating if a new layer for Kentico supporting the mentioned functionality is possible and what additional functionality would be gained with the implementation. If this phase is closed we will consider the implementation of this functionality.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko