New features
Version 3.x > New features
Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
content sync suggestion jonathanchauncey-fdle.state.fl
2 2494 kentico_jurajo
(11/24/2008 3:43:18 AM)
multiple starting aliases for a user jonathanchauncey-fdle.state.fl
4 1843 kentico_radekm
(11/20/2008 7:25:23 AM)
Maximum amount on volume discounts Mufasa
3 2688 kentico_zdenekc
(11/18/2008 6:33:13 AM)
Upload Multiple Files at Once
5 3696 kentico_jurajo
(10/24/2008 3:02:34 AM)
GetFile/Thumbnail maximum size re-sizing (non-square) Mufasa
2 3259 kentico_helenag
(10/23/2008 7:46:32 AM)
minilogon request garios
5 2542 garios
(10/9/2008 8:30:54 AM)
menu webpart idea jonathanchauncey-fdle.state.fl
5 1612 kentico_petrp
(10/7/2008 1:16:54 AM)
AJAX 3.5 Dave Diehl
4 3253 kentico_petrp
(9/30/2008 2:26:15 AM)
Ecommerce->CustomEcommerceProvider KeithInAsia
4 1908 KeithInAsia
(9/12/2008 7:42:38 AM)
CMS Desk - Tools Tab
2 2214 kentico_borisp
(8/15/2008 4:51:17 AM)
E-commerce -> E-Products
2 1455 kentico_martind
(8/12/2008 8:02:13 AM)
Web part to display external/internal RSS feeds Chunda
2 1555 kentico_mirekr
(7/30/2008 3:13:28 AM)
captcha caching
2 1916 kentico_zbysekn
(7/29/2008 8:27:34 AM)
WebAnalytics improvements Mufasa
2 1766 kentico_jurajo
(7/29/2008 6:04:27 AM)
Newsletter list management feature requests Mufasa
5 3042 kentico_jurajo
(7/29/2008 5:30:36 AM)
Newletter: Open Tracking
1 1538
(7/17/2008 11:08:08 AM)
new version
2 1387 kentico_vitaja
(7/9/2008 4:48:32 AM)
Google sitemap ralph
2 3076 kentico_jurajo
(7/3/2008 7:42:39 AM)
Web part containers bound to sites yoda-ict
2 1353 kentico_jurajo
(7/1/2008 7:37:51 AM)
Should be able to share web parts configuration across many pages ralph
2 1799 kentico_jurajo
(7/1/2008 7:20:37 AM)
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