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Version 3.x > New features > menu webpart idea View modes: 
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jonathanchauncey-fdle.state.fl - 10/1/2008 11:35:52 AM
menu webpart idea
Cool idea for a menu web part would be one that allows you to select documents to appear in the menu regardless of their path. Even go so far as to allow for secondary and tertiary menus to be created the same way.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/2/2008 5:39:34 AM
RE:menu webpart idea

In the menu web part you can set the document types that should be displayed in the menu and you can also use WHERE condition to specify what should be or should not be displayed in the menu.

Could you please describe your need with more details? It seems that I am not getting the right meaning.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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jonathanchauncey-fdle.state.fl - 10/3/2008 11:49:52 AM
RE:menu webpart idea
What I mean is the ability to select documents out of the content tree and have those used for the menu. This way you would not have to worry about specifying a where clause or document types.

You could also make it nestable so people could generate flyout/drop down menus from the webpart as well.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/6/2008 3:41:06 AM
RE:menu webpart idea

you can also add to the document type special field which will indicate if it should be displayed in the menu or not - again using WHERE condition. Or, you can create special document type which will be displayed in the menu and no other document types.

Or, another option is to create custom control for this.

I am afraid but I am not getting the meaning of the last sentence, could you please explain it with more details?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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kentico_petrp - 10/7/2008 1:16:54 AM
RE:menu webpart idea
Hi Jonathan,

I understand your requirement. We will consider it for future versions.

