New features
Version 3.x > New features > content sync suggestion View modes: 
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jonathanchauncey-fdle.state.fl - 11/20/2008 7:47:20 AM
content sync suggestion
Sometimes a delete task does not work correct when publishing out to our production servers. This means that I have to physically delete the file off our production instance to make sure the content tree stays in sync. Would be nice to see a feature to all me to send the exact structure and documents to my production server and have the prod servers DELETE the stuff that is not included.

This would make sure that whatever is in my dev environment is exactly waht is in production.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/24/2008 3:43:18 AM
RE:content sync suggestion

Could you please describe us the exact steps which you are performing when synchronizing the content? What kind of synchronization do you use? I mean, which button or link are you clicking when running the synchronization?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus