I have a Kentico 13 .NET Core website which uses the IUserInfoProvider dependency, injected via constructor, on a number of Widgets.We are seeing strange behaviour whereby:one Widget uses _userInfo...
UserinfoProvider.GetuserInfo only accepts ID and username. I'm just curious if theres a way to get user info based on a unique custom attribute. Quite new to Kentico, so any insight would be apprec...
I was using the Kentico API libraries in a WCF proyect for a Document Search Service; but after a few time when the service tried to invoke the method @UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo@, the system thr...
We have a situation where we are needing to have a @temporary@ user finish up a form submission process, have their account disabled and then be redirected to a @thank you@ page. The current issue ...
My setup is Kentico CMS 7.0.83 using SQL Server 2012 for session state. Note that the behavior in question does not occur when using InProc session state. And that I have only tested SQL Server and...