How can I get the current page NodeOwner 'user picture', 'user signature' and 'description.' [screenshot] returns a default avatar image. {% GetUserAvatarImage(200, @...
Both of these rerturn the user as a number. How can I get the name. {% NodeOwner %} {%CurrentDocument.NodeOwner#%}I also try these but they return nothing:{%CurrentDocument.NodeOwnerFullName#%} {...
I have a transformation (ASCX). I'll like to get the Column name [FirstName] (field name/data) from another page. I think the best way is through the NODE Id of that page [32697]. How can I write t...
I am having an issue with a Custom Control (ascx.cs) file and could use assistance. The only issue I am having is getting the NodeID of the page I am on. The control needs to populate a drop down w...