Results for tag microservices
  • Building Applications Using Microservices and Azure – Part 2
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    Developing applications using microservices is a great way to increase functionality, without being solely dependent on a single solution. By using multiple systems and services, you can leverage the best from each platform. In Part 1 of this series, I showed you how I architected my personal site using a microservices. In this next edition, I’ll break down these integrations and show you how to leverage disconnected systems in your applications to achieve some powerful capabilities.

  • Developing Applications Using Microservices and Azure – Part 1
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    As more companies transition to a modular development model, integration with different services and platforms has become a common approach in many projects. By leveraging multiple systems, developers can build out complex applications, incorporating functionality from several sources to accomplish their goals. Many of these systems are small, light-weight services designed to perform a single function or purpose.  In this article, I’ll walk you through the process of building an application using these microservices and Microsoft Azure.