Results for tag metrics
  • Application Insights for Kentico
    Brian McKeiver    —       —    Article

    At the recent Build 2016 conference Microsoft really wowed developers with all sorts of new bells and whistles for Visual Studio, Azure, Bots, and Windows 10.  Included in some of the new enhancements for ASP.Net and Visual Studio was a pretty cool new feature called Visual Studio Application Insights. According to Microsoft, Application Insights allow developers to detect issues, solve problems and continuously improve their applications. The technology is intended to help quickly diagnose any problems in a live application.

    Since my team and I are in charge of monitoring quite a few web applications, I found the topic of Application Insights particularly interesting as it relates to Kentico based applications. I immediately thought of questions like would this technology work for web applications only hosted in Azure, or would it also work for existing applications that were on-premise. I was also curious if how easy it was to install and use the technology, how much overhead that it introduces, and exactly how the heck does it actually work. 

    Keep reading to find out how easy it is to add Visual Studio Application Insights to a Kentico based web application and what value, if any, this technology can add to your every day job as a web developer or architect.

  • Deploying Kentico to Azure Web Apps – Part 2. Running & Monitoring
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    Now that you have your application in Azure and everything is awesome (think the Lego Movie), let’s talk about keeping it running well and performing optimally. Any hosting solution can be used for your site, but Azure Web Apps have a lot to offer in terms of monitoring, updating, and maintenance of your site. This blog is focused on those features and on demonstrating how you can leverage them for your deployment.

  • How can I track user actions in Kentico 8?
    Geoff Garcia    —       —    Question

    I've been asked to generate a report of every logged in user that visits a particular page of our site. The analytics area of the site doesn't seem to offer that capability, and when I looked at th...