Results for tag keys
  • What version is PRODUCT:CX22? (local host key)
    Brandon R    —       —    Question

    What version is PRODUCT:CX2? I am trying to use the the localhost license key from the client portal but I am getting an error for version 13. I need to know which version will work for the key to ...

  • Quick Tip: Changing How Emails Are Validated in Kentico
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    Kentico has a lot of great capabilities out of the box for validating data submitted by users. For many companies, these default settings and configurations are just fine for running their sites and capturing information from their users. Occasionally, a company will encounter a specific challenge that requires them to modify how a particular type of data is validated. In this blog, I’ll show you how you can leverage a setting key to change how Kentico validates email addresses within a site.