Hello,I have a repeater that loads up all my weblink page types. In those page types I have a field called @LinkImage@ which is optional. The Data type is @File@ and I limit it to just image file t...
Hello, please, can you help me, how I can write an IF condition for GetStringValue()?I cannot use Eval or something other here, just this.I should write: If this URL exist, show the arrow<%# GetStr...
Hello Kentico Team,I am attempting to add a @published on@ date to my blog post transformation, but for some reason all of my attempts have returned no results.@%# IfEmpty(Eval(@BlogPostDate@), @No...
I can get the following to work: @%# IfEmpty(Eval(@EventWebsite@), @@, @@a href=\@@ + Eval(@EventWebsite@) + @\@ class=\@applybttn\@ target=\@_blank\@@Website link@/a@@) %@I would like to also load...
Apologises if i'm covering old ground.I'm trying to use the IfEmpty method below without any success.@%# IfEmpty(CurrentDocument.GetValue(@OnlineGetQuoteLink@), @empty@, @not empty@))%@any help wou...
Hi everyone, I have the following line of code within one of my transformations:@%# IfEmpty(Eval(@OfficeFax@),@@,(string.Format(@{0:Fax: (###) ###-####}@, Int64.Parse(Eval(@OfficeFax@).ToString()))...