Question: Using an online-form (Bizform), and in the OnBeforeSave method -- I am querying some SQL values. The values are required for calculations. The form itself takes end-user inputs for a cal...
As the title, I want to dynamic replace page meta description from code behind. From google I have this codeprotected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { Page.Title = @My title@; ...
Hi Team, i have problem with my code in kentico can you help me to get out of it, i have share a screenshot please see that. actullay the problem is.. i am using CMSRepeater and it have an ID=@Reso...
Hi,I have a webpart with the following html:@asp:PlaceHolder runat=@server@ ID=@plcHolder@@ @asp:Label ID=@DisplayContent@ runat=@server@ Text=@@@@/asp:Label@ @/asp:PlaceHolder@The string in Displa...