I am getting this error while trying to deploy an ASP.NET MVC + Kentico project to my client's remote VM IIS.I have configured the project as per the deployment steps for kentico applications, and ...
We are currently on Kentico 12 and are making the switch to 13 MVC Core.One of our most important and widely used widgets is a custom @Control Wrapper@ widget with a @File System Selector@ type fie...
We have Kentico CMS with MVC site.I recently upgraded Kentico 12 to 13 and started getting a @resource not found@ error on doing Page Preview in the admin app. I had not uninstalled the Kentico 12 ...
Getting these error in my Razor viewpage:HtmlString GetActionUrl() { return Url.Kentico().AuthenticateUrl(Url.Action(@Upload@, @ImageUploader@, new { pageId = Context.Kentico().Page...
I am trying to upload image via administration interafe of Kentico. I am getting this error when I try upload a image.Error ImageWhat I tried so far;I changed wwwroot folder security properties, an...
I am trying to learn developing with Kentico MedioClinic Tutorial. I tried to follow each step accordingly, but I stucked here.I searched the problem in the caption, first I tried adding // Regi...
I am using MiniProfiler.Mvc5 v4.2.1 with C# for an ASP.NET MVC5 website. I am implementing MiniProfiler based on the Samples.Mvc5 project included in the source code repo and am having an issue wit...
Im trying to add geolocations to an Azure index and build the type Collection(EDM.GeographyPoint), so i can have multiple geocodes attached to 1 index document. I get this error Message: Creating o...
My ASP.NET MVC was in middle of development, so I researched about how to add media into the project and I come across the Kentico libraries.And I tried to add Kentico.Content.Web.Mvc, Kentico.Lang...
GeographyPoint* type as filterable so i can do proximity searches in Azure. When i build the index in Kentico i am using the CustomAzureSearchModule to change the datatype from EDM.String to EDM.Ge...