• Increase Macro Timeout limit
    Question Mar 6, 2020
    Hey I am currently experiencing an issue when querying a DB through a Macro with a Rest Call, the default timeout is set to 1000ms and I am intermittently getting the following error in the event log: Error while evaluating expression: HTMLEncode(ResolveMacros(ResolveMacros...

  • Increase Macro Timeout limit in web config
    Question Dec 1, 2021
    In portal engine, I am currently experiencing the macro resolver time out issue due to macro time out. My code is fully optimized but anyhow i need to increase the timeout. I want to put generic timeout in web.config for macros instead of putting into after each macro codes. ...

  • Increase Macro Timeout limit in web config
    Question Oct 20, 2021
    In portal engine, I am currently experiencing the macro resolver time out issue due to macro time out. My code is fully optimized but anyhow i need to increase the timeout. I want to put generic timeout in web.config for macros instead of putting into after each macro codes. I...

  • Macro is not working on PageTitle.
    Question Jul 26, 2024
    I am using Kentico 13 and adding the below macro for the page title in the metadata tab but it's not working. I am getting empty title. ****

  • kentico 13 live site session timeout
    Question Oct 26, 2022
    How can i manage users login session timeout in Live site? (My code architecture based on Dancing Goat core, kentico 13)

  • Kentico 12 MVC timeout error
    Question Oct 25, 2023
    Hi, I'm using kentico v12.0.101 and I'm using a custom handler that, when triggered, goes thru an excel file and creates categories using the API found here: https://docs.xperience.io/api12sp/configuration/categories. The excel file has 250 entries but the transaction fails du...

  • forms email routing based on field
    Question Aug 21, 2024
    So, what is recommended to send emails to different people based on field in a form? We used to create a custom table with the email addresses and load the information into the field with a SQL query then set the to field in the email notification to that field. Now we can n...

  • Default field values in Forms
    Question Apr 10, 2024
    In Kentico 13, the method you previously used in Kentico 12 to capture the document culture using a macro in the default value of a form seems to be unsupported in the forms widget. Could you provide some guidance on an alternative approach to achieve the same functionality in...

  • How can I read properties of a complex object in a transformation?
    Question Apr 22, 2024
    Hello, Here's the context. I am using the CustomData of the Order as well as the Shopping cart for the checkout process. I put a json string into that column. Now, I want to use that json to render details into the invoice. I have tried to create a Custom Macro that parses th...

  • Restart Scheduler
    Question Nov 10, 2023
    We've had a the scheduler hit a SQL timeout exception and stop a couple of times in the last few months, and would like to put a Azure function in place to check and restart. I believe there is a url that will re-trigger the scheduler. Any thoughts?

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