forms email routing based on field

lawrence whittemore asked on August 21, 2024 20:02

So, what is recommended to send emails to different people based on field in a form? We used to create a custom table with the email addresses and load the information into the field with a SQL query then set the to field in the email notification to that field. Now we can no longer do that in 13. What way is recommended to accomplish something like this without having to build custom form widgets for it every time we need something?

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on August 23, 2024 19:53

Global form event handler is probably the simplest way.

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Ben Quinlan answered on August 29, 2024 02:53

Give then use of the custom table, have you considered calling a custom macro method in the recipient emails field of that email notification? The custom macro method could take in one or more parameters from the form data and then do a lookup of the custom table for the necessary email.

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