• What is the optimal Windows Azure size for my project?
    Article Jun 19, 2013
    Our customers are often asking me this question. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer and it depends on many different aspects.  This post aims to help you decide which size is optimal for your project. I will also show you how you can change an instance size.

  • Developing Applications Using Microservices and Azure – Part 1
    Article Mar 8, 2017
    As more companies transition to a modular development model, integration with different services and platforms has become a common approach in many projects. By leveraging multiple systems, developers can build out complex applications, incorporating functionality from severa...

  • Anyone using Azure deployment slots with Kentico?
    Question Aug 23, 2018
    Does anyone have experience using Azure app service deployment slots with Kentico? How do you deal with the database when switching from one slot to the other?

  • Warming-Up Kentico in Azure Cloud Services
    Article Oct 22, 2015
    Azure Cloud Services continues to be a great option for times when companies want to add an additional level of control over their applications when deploying to the cloud. With this model, developers package their applications and server configurations and then push them to ...

  • Digging into the Kentico EMS Azure Search Integration
    Article Feb 14, 2018
    Every version of Kentico is packed full of amazing features and updates. With Kentico 11, one of the biggest advancements was our built-in integration with Azure Search. In this article, I’m giving you a crash course in this new functionality. In the end, you should be able t...

  • Integrating the Azure Bing Spell Check API into Kentico
    Article Aug 23, 2017
    The world is full of horrible typists. From the ever-devolving grammar on social media to the classic hunt-and-peck, there’s no shortage of people that could use a little help in their data entry. When it comes to capturing data on the web, this is especially important as the...

  • Building Applications Using Microservices and Azure – Part 2
    Article Apr 26, 2017
    Developing applications using microservices is a great way to increase functionality, without being solely dependent on a single solution. By using multiple systems and services, you can leverage the best from each platform. In Part 1 of this series, I showed you how I archit...

  • Get up to speed with Windows Azure and Kentico CMS 7
    Article Oct 31, 2013
    Looking for more information about Windows Azure and Kentico CMS7? We have over seven hours of conference videos from Windows Azure and Kentico CMS 7 virtual conference you can use to get up to speed quickly.

  • How do you change the size of a Windows Azure Instance?
    Question Oct 2, 2012
    How do you change the size of a Windows Azure Instance?

  • How do you move an existing database to Windows Azure?
    Question Oct 2, 2012
    How do you move an existing database to Windows Azure?

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