• kentico12 Mvc component
    Question Jun 15, 2020
    https://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Cookie-Based-Modal-Popup-Plugin-For-jQuery-Popup-Window/ Hi Gys, Thank you for responses, I have some question regarding mvc component splash image, please.

  • Kentico 9 MVC limitations?
    Question Dec 8, 2015
    Hi all, I'm thinking about building an MVC application in Kentico 9. From the Webinar I heard them say that E-commerce wasn't currently supported in MVC. Is there a list of what is and isn't supported if building in MVC? Is there anyway to combine a portal/ascx site with an...

  • Kentico 12 MVC Search
    Question Jun 9, 2021
    Hi, How can we include pagebuilder page content(widget content) in search result? I am using Kentico version v12.0.97 and local index Regards, Geo

  • No results for Smart Search on MVC
    Question Sep 6, 2017
    I'm using Kentico 10 and want to provide smart search on the MVC site that I'm working on. So I followed the instructions [here](https://docs.kentico.com/k10/developing-websites/developing-sites-using-asp-net-mvc/developing-mvc-applications/providing-smart-search-on-mvc-sites)...

  • MVC media library
    Question Feb 17, 2020
    I'm sure i'm missing something basic but, I've moved a site out to our live servers and the media library is not syncing with the forward facing site.

  • Handling Surveys in MVC
    Question Sep 24, 2020
    Hi all, I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction to how surveys are going to be handled on Kentico 12 SP MVC? I know the polls application is currently what does it but after reviewing the upcoming changes to phoenix i see that that application is be...

  • Wysiwyg for mvc widgets
    Question Jan 28, 2019
    Hi, I can see in the example site there is a "MediumEditor" for widgets in K12 mvc to do text, but is there the same for a wysiwyg editor, ie the same one you get in the form tab? Or do you have to implement CK editor yourself as a widget?

  • MVC widget textbox validation
    Question Feb 3, 2019
    We have developed a widget to upload a image with image caption. I cannot seems to find validation for entry field such as mandatory in MVC widget as well as a way to limit maximum can upload only 2 photos etc.. https://docs.kentico.com/k12/managing-website-content/using-widg...

  • No results for Smart Search on MVC
    Question Jul 11, 2019
    I'm using Kentico 12 MVC and want to provide smart search on the MVC site that I'm working on. So I followed the instructions [here](https://docs.kentico.com/k10/developing-websites/developing-sites-using-asp-net-mvc/developing-mvc-applications/providing-smart-search-on-mvc-si...

  • Kentico MVC culture issue
    Question Oct 28, 2019
    I have a multi culture website on Kentico MVC version 12, and I have some odd behaviour. In my website I have english and French, the issue is on the French. When I view the page in the browser I don't see my French changes, but when I click the "Preview URL" under the "gener...

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