• Search index stored in lower case
    Question Oct 26, 2018
    I'v created Smart search Page index. The problem is that all fields a stored in lower case. For example I have object titles and want to display it as is. How can I store data in search index not in lower case but as is?

  • Kentico 9 Sudden Malfunction
    Question Jun 1, 2018
    Hi, recently I try to run the website and I got this message "CS1660: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer ' because it is not a delegate type" and it's pointing to "Line 983: .ToDictionary(group => group.Key, group ...

  • What is the best way to implement Filters
    Question Jun 26, 2019
    Hi team, We are building a site which allows user to search any keyword and find online courses, articles, videos, guides and publications,News, related apps. We have to provide result count for the keyword for each format in the left pane like this: Articles(5) video...

  • Staging Products
    Question Sep 12, 2019
    I've implemented the **MVC version of Kentico v12.0** as two app services in Azure. I have staging setup between a source and target server; it's working for the most part. But, I can't get staging to work for new products in the e-commerce module. Whenever I attempt to stage...

  • migrate kentico site database issie
    Question Jan 29, 2020
    I'm working on migrating my kentico site from my local machine to our testing server. However, kentico (from the admin) is trying to step me through setting up the database. I've updated the connection string to point to the new database and it looks to have properly moved over.

  • Failed to delete large size files from Media Library
    Question Dec 11, 2017
    Hi all, I have a website which is hosted on Azure. A timeout error showed up every time I tried to delete a large size file from Media Library (larger 20Mb). It works correctly for small size files. I saw many errors with EventCode are: **CreateVersion, DELETEMEDIAFILE** in ...

  • Smart search index error
    Question Apr 27, 2020
    Hello all, We have a kentico 11.0.0 site deployed in Azure app service. We have a created search index under "Local Indexes", and when we try to build the index we are getting the below error. The surrogate pair (0xDBC0, 0x20) is invalid. A high surrogate character (0xD...

  • I want to customize the display of UniversalPager.
    Question Mar 31, 2020
    Hi guys! I think that the movement of "UniversalPager" is the movement of "■1" by default. I want to use the "UniversalPager" in the "■2" move. Is this feasible? And if so, can you give us any advice on what kind of renovations would be required? ※Kentico:v11.0 ※Azur...

  • Blocking CMSCsrfCookie with 3rd party company
    Question Aug 5, 2020
    I have a site that our company is maintaining for a new client. They didn't have any source code from the previous company that built their site, and we are trying to maintain what we can until we can get a redesign and refactoring agreement in place. This instance is on Azu...

  • How to redirect Kentico to CMS admin page by default
    Question Nov 20, 2020
    We're using Kentico 11 along with a single MVC website, both hosted as Azure app services. Our company's URL looks like www.mycorp.com and Kentico CMS URL looks like kentico.mycorp.com When someone goes to kentico.mycorp.com, it shows a blank page. We need to type kentico.myco...

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