• Speeding up Web Analytics logging on external storage
    Knowledge Base Article Feb 24, 2014
    If you run your website in a cloud environment and use external storage such as Azure Blob Storage or Amazon Simple Storage to store file data, you may encounter issues with Web Analytics data processing. To be specific, Web Analytics data may not be processed fast enough, bec...

  • Why is the Time Zones API not working?
    Question Sep 17, 2012
    Why is the Time Zones API not working?

  • Time Zone Issue
    Question Jul 10, 2014
    Hi, I have a small issue with the time zones. Related to this documentation: https://docs.kentico.com/display/K8/Settings+-+System We set the "Site time zone" to UTC+1 and leave the "Server time zone" to default UTC-1 (we run the site on Azure) If we are creating a new page ...

  • Search Index Rebuild
    Question Sep 4, 2014
    I have an issue with my Smart Search index. It keep sporadically resetting back to empty. I make no changes to the CMS after rebuilding the search index, then a few minutes later the index is empty. After performing a rebuild of the index it's full of the documents (~175). ...

  • How to add an additional stylesheet for specific cultures
    Question Oct 22, 2014
    In my main site CSS I have an @import statement to import an external css file for a font. Is there a way I can add another @import if the language is Chinese? Or is it possible to add the stylesheet (chinesefont.css) in the master template? I tried adding chiensefont.css to...

  • AD Authentication on cloud
    Question Mar 30, 2015
    Hello, i am trying to build intranet and authenticate users using their Windows account. I have successfully authenticate users in my local environment since my machine already connected to domain. The problem that i am facing now is, when i uploaded to live server which is l...

  • Marketing automation - missing tab
    Question Jul 15, 2015
    In a relatively fresh install of Kentico I've added a custom automation action to the code base. I've now gone into the admin UI to register this custom action and have found that the Marketing automation module is missing the Actions tab. I'm logged in as Global administrator...

  • Staging slow or not loading [UniGrid] : Error during reloading data.
    Question Jul 16, 2015
    Hey everyone, this issue started recently for me, and I'm not sure if it's kentico or something else. When I go to the staging application on my production server, the loading animation will go for about 10 minutes and sometimes result in an error message Error [UniGrid] : Er...

  • Kentico 9 MVC - stand alone application roadmap
    Question Jan 7, 2016
    Hi We have started using stand alone MVC pointed at Kentico 9 admin. Works very well, thank you. My question is, can you provide a list of features that are available via the integration package, and what is not available? Also, a road map for planned future feature availa...

  • Sharing Content (files, videos, audio, images) across Kentico Instances
    Question Feb 5, 2016
    I am investigating the best way to share content across websites in Kentico. Some sites could be in the same instance whereas others may not. I was wondering what is best practice for sharing content like media across Kentico Instances as well as across kentico websites in th...

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