• Determine Logic of a Custom Macro
    Question Aug 29, 2022
    Hello, We have a custom table customtable_webshareTopics which contains topic categories for shares submitted on our site about pages they are viewing. There is a macro (CurrentDocument.ShareTopic) that retrieves the topic category for a page when it is being displayed. That ...

  • A PageTemplate can't be edited or cloned. MacroResolver Security Error
    Question Feb 4, 2022
    MacroResolver Description:Security check of the expression ' if (IsVisible4 == "True") { return hotspotTemplate.Replace("{IsActive}", "").Replace("{Subheadline}", Subheadline4).Replace("{Body}", Body4).Replace("{HotspotTopPercent}", HotspotTopPercent4).Replace("{HotspotLeftPe...

  • Toggle Link to switch from one language to another
    Question Mar 9, 2022
    What is the best method to add a culture switch to our live url pages? Currently we came up with using a replace method in our macro, Do you have some macro's that you could share of a better way? Our current way code in the Master Page layout: English ...

  • how to make form notification show int as currency
    Question May 2, 2022
    I'm trying to have a bizform notification email show a value as currency. I tried something like this but it is just showing the number

  • Form Control for Populating Contact Group
    Question Aug 9, 2022
    Hi Team, I want populate all the contact groups available on my site in my Page types. Do we have any ready made Form Control Components.

  • repeater issue
    Question Jan 17, 2022
    Hi, I have two repeaters in this page https://www.booksellers.org.uk/BA-Councillors One repeater to take BA Officers and other one to take members and that's all fine. To get more information I have added "Selected item transformation" for both repeaters. It's all good. Bu...

  • ##WHERE## Is Disappearing Randomly After Kentico Update from 8.2->12
    Question Feb 21, 2022
    I'm having a really strange issue happen where my ##WHERE## clause is being removed randomly along with the WHERE in the SQL query itself. This started happening after I upgraded from K8.2 to K12 Portal Engine. Also, sometimes if I run from my computer in localhost it doesn'...

  • Set Language Prefixes for URL's that are not our default Culture
    Question Mar 9, 2022
    Anyway to prevent en-us prefixes in the URL's (our default language) but use a language prefix for any other languages? We have been experimenting with the settings and just can't seem to make it happen. If we see a language prefix viewing the live url, and try and remove it...

  • Culture Language Switch from the Live URL
    Question Apr 11, 2022
    We are on version 12/Portal I have been trying to create a button to allow our live URL viewers who are not logged in to switch between languages, but it is not always consistent when clicked on. When the hyperlink language switch is set in a transformation and I view the l...

  • <%# Eval("") %> can the "|" be removed if there is multiple choice?
    Question May 24, 2022
    I have a multiple-choice field where a list of options is available and you can choose more than one. My issue is if I select more than one it displays the info as "check1|check2" I need to remove the "|" from what it pulls and have a space like "check1 check2". how do I edit ...

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