• Media Library relative URL
    Question May 23, 2016
    Hello We have a Kentico project where we're using Azure Blob Storage for our media storage. When selecting a media file in a page, it stores the URL like this: www.ourhost.net/blobcontainer/kenticosite/media/medialibrary/picture.jpg We are also using ImageProcessor.org. This...

  • Speed up media library
    Question Aug 9, 2017
    Hello, In the Kentico9 administration interface, what are the recommendations to manage blobs storage in ways to speed up loading the Media Library components when we need to manage a lot of files(more than 1K files)?

  • Custom Smart Search
    Question Sep 5, 2019
    Hi, I am currently in the process of attempting to create a custom smart search using the page crawler. I understand the general concept and have created a test searching local files. I now want to look at searching external sites outside of kentico, not kentico instances, an...

  • Change IP Address in Event Logs CMS
    Question Sep 11, 2019
    Hi All, I want to change the IP address on the event log in CMS admin, I change the IP in the "LogContext.LogEventToCurrent" and "EventLogProvider.LogEvent" to the function get the IP of client but some times it still the IP of the Azure IP. It is another way to change the IP...

  • speed up media library
    Question Aug 10, 2017
    Jeanne Darisca Akouemo answered on August 10, 2017 16:25 Hi, i want to come back to the question posted before by Ayoub. The problem is not to speed up media library for end user. But to speed up media library in order to allow to administrator to configure images faster more ...

  • SQL connection error
    Question Oct 14, 2021
    Hello. Im install Kentico 11 on vitual machine azure. Created a local database on this machine and am using windows authentication. take from Visual studio. when i want to open the site i get an error like this. The application could not connect to the database, please check t...

  • messaging.forbiddenorigin error when saving page
    Question Dec 20, 2021
    After deploying a new MVC site we discovered error "messaging.forbiddenorigin" when trying to save a page in the Kentico CMS. The CMS and MVC sites are hosted on Azure (app service) and currently using Azure URL domain "azurewebsites.net": For example: CMS: company-name-cms...

  • RE:Running Kentico in Azure Emulator
    Forum Post Feb 13, 2012
    Hi, Initially the files were stored only in file system. I checked also database option, I have restarted the application, add another document but the same problem: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)". This is the code from one...

  • RE:EC2 Kentico Deployment
    Forum Post Mar 6, 2012
    Hello, some of our customers use Amazon EC2 but we do not have any special instructions for that. Some information is here: Cloud Computing. You can use a web farm module for the clouds: Web farm support. For Amazon S3 we have a special support for files: Amazon S3 provider...

  • RE:Managing Customizations and Azure
    Forum Post Nov 30, 2012
    Hi, I do not see any issues using the staging module. However, you need to be careful with the changes - the objects and data are being overwritten, not merged. For example you have page template v0.1 (just making up the version numbers for better imagination) with an edita...

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