• Azure AD integration with Kentico
    Question Mar 12, 2015
    I note from [this question](http://devnet.kentico.com/questions/support-for-azure-active-directory-and-mixed-mode-authentication) that Kentico doesn't formally support Azure AD, but I wondered if anyone had successfully set this up. I have started to try it out by setting up ...

  • Problems with Azure and Kentico
    Article Jun 10, 2016
    Over the last few months we've been working through some enhanvements and bugs with one of our clients and during some of the research on the bugs we found some issues with how the environment was setup.  Having only worked with Azure Web Apps a few times, and each time was s...

  • Windows Azure news
    Article Nov 5, 2012
    Hi there! Last week, two quite important things happened regarding Kentico CMS and Windows Azure. In this post I’m going to describe both of them.

  • Version 8 on Azure
    Question Apr 8, 2014
    Hi, when will Version 8 be available on the Azure Gallery? What would you recommend: Installing the CMS on a Azure Web Site or a Cloud Service (Web Role)? (I personally would prefer the Azure Web Site but I'm not sure how the CMS will perform) Thanks, Juergen

  • Deploy Kentico 8 to Azure
    Question Jan 7, 2016
    Hi all, Today, I want to deploy my website Kentico 8.2 to Azure but I could not select Kentico 8 on Azure gallery because it was be updated to Kentico 9 (as image below). So can I deploy my website to Azure without upgrade my project to Kentico 9. ![Image Text](http://s27....

  • Publishing a website in azure server ??
    Question Apr 17, 2015
    Hi, I like to know how do I need to publish a website from local to azure server. can you please suggest me the exact process. to publish a quick installed website to azure

  • Emulated Azure local environment
    Question Mar 4, 2015
    Hi, I'm about to start my first Kentico on Azure build. I've been looking into the environments I need. My ideal is: 1. Local development team environment running Azure emulator locally. Multiple developers. 2. Internal testing environment hosted on local physical servers em...

  • Add Document To Azure Search
    Question May 13, 2019
    I have a handful of pages I'm indexing for azure search. I want to add custom documents that I create (from data that comes from a third party) to the index. How do I do that?

  • Kentico 7 on azure
    Question Dec 30, 2014
    Hello, I am moving a client's website to azure. It's Kentico 7 website. It's showing me an error: The object code name '' is not valid. The code name can contain only alphanumeric characters, some special characters (_, -, .) and cannot start or end with '.'. Stacked...

  • Error in publishing in Azure
    Question Jun 3, 2014
    Can you assist me in publishing in Azure. I have set the temp folder permissions to everyone but I'm still getting this error. Access to the path 'C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\pmlytrdy.1cq\roles\CMSApp\approot\bin\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudDrive.dll' is denied. C:\Prog...

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