• Registering additional assemblies for nuget packages
    Question Jan 19, 2022
    I need to install this nuget package in my mvc project: https://devnet.kentico.com/marketplace/image%20focuspoint It depends on these packages: Antlr. Kentico.LanguagePack.English.12.0.77 Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core.2.2.1 Microsoft.AspNet.Razor.3.2.3 Microsoft.Web....

  • Reuse the widget and need to manage in one centralized place
    Question Feb 24, 2022
    Hi, I am using Kentico 13 MVC ( v13.0.49). I know we can copying the widget in Kentico 13. Is there any option available or can be made in Kentico 13 to manage the widgets in one centralized place. Currently we are planning to create page type for that widget and using form ...

  • Elastic Search Integration with Kentico
    Question Feb 28, 2022
    I am working on a POC where the requirement is to use elastic search with Kentico. If anyone has done such type of work or have any potential solutions, I will really appreciate it. I have already integrated the same in ASP.Net MVC and its up and running, the only thing I am l...

  • Upgrading customized Kentico site from Web Forms to new Kentico
    Question Apr 19, 2022
    Hello: We're currently running a site using Kentico 11 and ASP.NET Web Forms. We're looking to migrate to Kentico 13, but that doesn't use Web Forms and we're wondering about upgrading the site so it uses .NET Core. I came across a framework called DotVVM that should make t...

  • How to assign editable area content into a variable?
    Question Mar 11, 2022
    I want receive html content from editable by assign them to a variable, then I will want put it at specific place. For example: ![Image Text](https://i.imgur.com/YgoacxH.png) If I put `@Html.Kentico().EditableArea("area1", allowedWidgets: new[] { "News.HomePage.BannerWidget"...

  • Change jquery pagebuilder bundle
    Question May 5, 2022
    One of my clients is performing security scans of our K13 asp net core app. They found a line in */_content/Kentico.Content.Web.Rcl/Scripts/jquery-3.5.1.js* which is hit by their security scanners: //https://web.archive.org/web/20100324014747/http://blindsignals.com/i...

  • Kentico Dancing Goat Impersonation
    Question May 30, 2022
    I'm looking to test to see if it's possible to identify if the user is being impersonated and the impersonator in the live site. But I can't seem to get impersonation working on the DancingGoat sample. I click "log on as this user" and it warns its going to redirect, but it ...

  • Kentico 13 - how to open installed kentico with visual studio
    Question Jun 18, 2022
    hi kentico dev Im realy new in asp.net core mvc and kentico 13 so I have question on how to open Dancing goat sample site with visual studio 2022 ![Image Text](https://www.linkpicture.com/q/Annotation-2022-06-18-131945.jpg) when I click on Dancing goat sln I can run this si...

  • Newtonsoft.Json Error when running CI Continuous Integration
    Question Jul 22, 2022
    I updated Kentico 12 MVC CMS & App Newtonsoft.JSON to version 13. Now when running CI I get the error "Message: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The located assemb...

  • Retrieving Client IP in code
    Question Aug 10, 2022
    Hi, I have a live site in Knetico 13.0.78 using .net core and hosted on IIS 10. In the code i am trying to retrieve the IP address of the client. I have used code with .NET core but this is returning the IP of the Server and not teh clients IP. Does kentico have a function...

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