• uploading document time elapsed
    Question Nov 8, 2017
    Hi, We are storing the uploading files in File system. When we upload a document of size around 140 mb, it got failed with the exception "An error occurred when saving data." When we saw the logs, it is inserting a record to "CMS_AttachmentHistory". I don't know why it is sto...

  • Media Library Items saving to ~/admin/SiteName/Media instead of ~/SiteName/Media
    Question May 6, 2019
    Hey there, I'm having an issue where Kentico media libraries are saving in my Kentico solution, instead of in my MVC one. This is causing issues with my Azure storage blob, since the module is looking to the MVC project media folders. This was not an issues before. It random...

  • Dominik Pinter
    Author Feb 23, 2009
    I'm a fan of cloud computing (primarily Windows Azure) and I really like to dig into web application security. My blog is focused on everything related to Kentico, .NET Framework, Cloud platforms and web application security.

  • RE:Running Kentico in Azure Emulator
    Forum Post Jan 25, 2012
    Hi, could you please check that the web.config and service configuration files have the right data in them? Also, once you run the emulator, there should be a blue icon available in the system tray - when you right click it, there is an option "Show storage emulator UI" ...

  • RE:Problem in opening pdf files
    Forum Post Mar 28, 2012
    Hi, I have tested on IE 9 and 8 on different environments (windows vista and seven with all the updates installed). If the website is hosted on Azure IE stop working when it try to open files with Adobe Reader X plugin. On other hosting environment works well. In my opin...

  • RE:Windows Live ID login / logout
    Forum Post Oct 5, 2012
    Hi Dimitry, To work around this issue for now, just log out user right from your application. Don't worry about windows live cookie. Windows live is creating session based cookies and once the user closes the browser it won't persist. I saw an article written on the sam...

  • Labels Not Displaying Values After Project Conversion
    Forum Post Dec 13, 2012
    After converting an existing project from website to web application (for Azure purposes), I end up with labels on the new site that seem to show the resource name instead of the content label (it's the best way I can describe it for now). See: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z8...

  • RE:Kentico and a separate application on Azure
    Forum Post Dec 26, 2012
    I have frequently deployed Kentico along with other apps. Usually do the second app as a Virtual Application. Then in the Web.config, above the <system.web> we place <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> Your Web.config will have to merge. We have also ha...

  • Custom Payment Gateways without new assembly
    Forum Post Jan 29, 2013
    Refer this article: http://devnet.kentico.com/Knowledge-Base/E-commerce/--A-custom-payment-gateway-without-a-new-assembly.aspx which is for 5.5. In version 7, how does this article change? I'm attempting a custom gateway (the application is built for Azure so it's all...

  • RE:Azure Logo
    Forum Post May 24, 2013
    Hello, Could you please check the HTML of the site and see if there is the following image? <img id="m_c_h_Header_imgWindowsAzure" src="/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx?image=%5bImages.zip%5d%2fGeneral%2fIconWindowsAzure.png" alt=" " style="border-width:0px;" /> Have you change...

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