• RE:Hiding Master Page Content
    Forum Post Sep 24, 2012
    Hi Ankit, The {%URLReferrer%} macro returns the value of HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer. Tthe URLReferrer macro is set when the session is being created, meaning only on the first user's request. I hope this will help you. Best regards, Martin Danko

  • RE:Checking a session cookie value from within a transformation
    Forum Post Oct 29, 2012
    Hello, you can use a cookie macro and then resolve macro in transformation: <%# CMS.CMSHelper.CMSContext.CurrentResolver.ResolveMacros("{@cookie_name@}") %> Best regards, Martin Danko

  • RE:Escape html in macro email templates
    Forum Post Nov 4, 2012
    Hi Eric, I'm afraid that the only solution in this case is to write your custom macro. Best regards, Martin Danko

  • RE:Macro gets destroyed by editable region
    Forum Post Nov 30, 2012
    Hello, There is probably a problem in combination of quotes and apostrophes. Please use following macro instead: <a href='{% internal = "192.168"; if (internal == Substring(IP, 0, 7)) {return "http://someinternallink"} else {return "http://someexternallink"} |(user)micha...

  • RE:Macro Method in Visibility Field in Webpart
    Forum Post Feb 10, 2013
    Hi, The custom relations ship names are not populated - this would require adding them manually - and basically adding every custom thing to the macros would be an overkill. I used this macro and it worked just fine: {%CurrentDocument.RelatedDocuments.Any.Count|(user)mi...

  • {%link%} macro
    Forum Post Feb 11, 2013
    Hi guys, Currently working on an email template (Forums.NewPost). Wonder if you could help with this {%link%} macro - could anyone tell me where the property for the domain exists? On output it currently doesn't contain www. The site domain name does contain www. T...

  • RE:Formatting the Date in Form Confirmation Email
    Forum Post Mar 14, 2013
    Hi Josh, have you tried one of the Macro Parameters? E.g. trim or limitlength? Best regards, Martin Danko

  • RE:Macro in where Condition (CurrentUser.IsInRole)
    Forum Post May 8, 2013
    Hello, Please try using K# syntax to create this macro with IF statement where you will check the current user roles: devnet.kentico.com/docs/6_0/devguide/index.html?ksharp_syntax.htm e.g.: {% if (CurrentUser.IsInRole("Collaborative")) {"User is in Role"} else {"Not in ...

  • Macro Question - Product Is Bundle
    Forum Post May 8, 2013
    I'm attempting to hide a repeater web part via the visible condition if a product is representing the bundle type. I've done this with other conditions, but I can't figure out how to check and see if a product is a bundle or not via macro. Any ideas?

  • RE:Custom Macro Access UserSettings
    Forum Post May 31, 2013
    Ok, thats helpful. So you aren't looking for the current user. Have you tried using UserSettingsUserID.Value? You might also need to do some type checking as well in your macro.

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