• Azure guide
    Documentation Dec 11, 2017

  • Azure guide
    Documentation Nov 30, 2016

  • Azure guide
    Documentation Nov 27, 2018

  • Azure configuration
    Question Jul 22, 2016
    I want to deploy my site on Azure and want to use shared file system for my media content, can you please suggest which Azure configuration (Azure Cloud Services or Azure Web Apps) I should go with?

  • Kentico on Azure
    Question Apr 16, 2015
    From what I have read, in order to get my instance of Kentico out on Azure, I need to make the project an app, add Azure web role stuff and then publish out to an existing cloud service. Is it possible to just create a web app on Azure and FTP the contents of WWW (all of the K...

  • Azure Recommendations
    Marketplace Item Mar 1, 2019
    Azure Recommendations is a module built in Kentico to get recommendations for the product by taking the reference of Recommendations API which is built with Microsoft Azure Machine learning. Using this module we can get User to Item and Item to Item Recommendations.

  • Azure Staging
    Question May 2, 2014
    Wondering what people do here. I have a site in Windows Azure, Cloud Services. When I deploy the site I deploy it to Staging I would like to make sure everything is good before I swap it with Prod. However, I don't have a license for the staging url. Does anyone have a soluti...

  • Index on Azure
    Question Nov 10, 2016
    Hello I'm having an Index, which has custom search fields created in code. The problem is, sometimes the index is empty and needs a rebuild. This is very difficult, because a whole lot of my web app uses the index. My first solution was to let the index rebuild, every time...

  • SQL Azure
    Article Jan 4, 2012
    For several months I have been writing a series about the basics of Windows Azure. This post is the last one from that series and we will focus on databases in Microsoft cloud, on a service called SQL Azure.

  • Updating app to use Azure Storage blob Containers instead of kentico attachment not working
    Question Mar 18, 2024
    Updating app to use Azure Storage blob Containers instead of kentico attachment not working **Overview:** In the past, files were uploaded thru the web app to kentico directly. However, new requirements have come ---------- to "virus scan" the files before upload. To do t...

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