• RE:Please provide more info on Marketing Package features in Version 6
    Forum Post Nov 18, 2010
    Hi Branca, below are answers for your questions: - maximum number of recipients per email (currently you only offer 1000). This is not useful for many companies - we have 15,000 members and aim to grow this base. >>MN: We don't have such limit in newsletter subscribe...

  • Re: Kentico for Small Businesses
    Article Jan 15, 2009
    Read the summary and conclusion on the Small Business licensing here.

  • How to get DocumentAttachment field when limiting a query by Columns
    Question Oct 29, 2019
    I am trying to get a page node that has a Document attachment but when I limit the query by columns the model comes back with a null for the Image field. The view model has an Image property of type DocumentAttachment and it is being set like this: ~~~ public string ...

  • All the Small Things vol. 1
    Article Dec 2, 2016
    Oh c'mon, don't tell me you believe we are not working on other things than the big ones from the roadmap. Sure we are. And it's unfair to leave them lying around without proper attention. Nobody puts our tweaks in a corner. #SmallThingsMatter

  • High CPU same time every night.
    Question Jan 18, 2017
    Hi. We deployed our kentico site one week ago to production environment. Since then every night just after midnight the cpu peaks at 100% until our hosting provider manually recycles the app pool. (Recycles at 2) I've disabled all the scheduled tasks running during the night...

  • MVC widget textbox validation
    Question Feb 3, 2019
    We have developed a widget to upload a image with image caption. I cannot seems to find validation for entry field such as mandatory in MVC widget as well as a way to limit maximum can upload only 2 photos etc.. https://docs.kentico.com/k12/managing-website-content/using-widg...

  • Development Environment
    Question Nov 30, 2020
    I am brand new to Kentico development. I would like to install Kentico in a development environment. Do I need a license to do this or is there a way to get a free version of Kentico for development? I tried installing the version from here: https://xperience.io/get-star...

  • My tips with CMSMenu
    Forum Post Oct 9, 2008
    Hi all, I'm new to Kentico, having just signed up as a partner as I've a couple of clients interested in the products, and like for like I feel it's a superb tool, particularly for small businesses here in the UK (my target). Anyway, I've been moving my own site over to...

  • Satisfied with search engines and have a negative view of personalized search?
    Article Jun 6, 2012
    Well you may not be alone, according to a report by Pew Research .   65% say it’s a bad thing that search engines collected information your searches and then used to rank future search results, because it may limit the information get online and what results you see.  An...

  • Kentico 8.1 upgrade
    Article Jul 10, 2014
    As you may already know, the next version of Kentico will be a minor version of Kentico 8.1. The following blogpost summarizes information regarding the upgrade to Kentico 8.1.

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