• Kentico 8.2 Smart Search Results Sorting and Relevancy Score
    Question Mar 24, 2017
    Hi there, When I leave the Sort field blank on the Smart Search Results control, the relevance scores work for individual content items. But the second I add in a sort condition (documentmodifiedwhen desc), it breaks the relevancy and everything now appears as 0%. What I wan...

  • Kentico 12 MVC Smart Search API with multiple indexes
    Question Nov 23, 2021
    We have a Kentico 12 MVC site which features a smart search which is designed to search over multiple search indexes. One issue we are noticing is that sometimes search queries do not appear to be finding matches in all the indexes as expected. For example: we have a site inde...

  • Smart Search Result Differ Drastically from Test Search in CMS
    Question Jul 30, 2019
    Hey all, I am seeing some weird stuff when implementing my search controller. If I test my index in Luke, it return pretty good relevant results. Same thing with the "Search Preview" section in Kentico itself. However, the real results using SearchHelper.Search() are not ideal...

  • Smart Search filter - check user permissions for page types
    Question May 25, 2017
    Hi there, I have a smart search filter on a page that displays a list of page types. Some page types are restricted to specific user roles. How can I modify the filter to only display the page types that the current user has the ability to see? The results web part has the 'ch...

  • Pause Smart Search Index during nightly data sync
    Question Sep 1, 2017
    I am using Kentico 9. I have a nightly process that syncs data (using a Kentico scheduled task) over to Kentico to make use of the smart search feature. The smart search index looks like it is trying to update while the sync process is updating pages it has indexed, slowing do...

  • How to search contents of RTF files using Smart Search
    Article Jul 10, 2014
    As I mentioned in my Kentico 8 preview article about Smart Search quite a while ago, Kentico 8 comes with full support for indexing the content of attachment files. The list of support files is quite extensive, however there are still some common files missing. In this a...

  • Smart Search API - How to get full fields from result
    Question Aug 31, 2018
    I have a working search index that returns 10 results currently. The only thing is that it only returns a limited amount of information. In debug i can see the path to the page the content was on but can't see a way of accessing this in code. I'd like to be able to do somethin...

  • CSRF attack detected on live site when using Smart Search
    Question Apr 4, 2017
    Hi all, I recently set up a Smart Search box on my live site so users can search from the root page and it is inherited across the site. It works successfully in the Kentico back end (when I search for something through the pages application for example). However, the live s...

  • I want 2 smart search with text box(must with wild search & both are different fields) and 1 smart s
    Question Jun 22, 2018
    I want 2 smart search with text box(must with wild search & both are different fields of same page type) and 1 smart search filter(dropdown list) on single page type. and all result will show in smart search results.

  • How can display "Showing search results for : ' search String' " in Smart Search Results webpart
    Question Sep 21, 2021
    I am using Smart Search and Smart Search Results to Search and display the search Results. I want to display "Search String for which the search has been done". How can I get this value in Smart Search Result.

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