• Kentico Xperience import toolkit 13 error
    Question Oct 10, 2023
    Hi, I am getting an error during importing data from Kentico 7 to 13. An error occurred on import: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60' or one of its dependenci...

  • email queue
    Question Aug 16, 2023
    We're having an issue where emails are not being sent out over night when the site is as active. Is there a way to for the scheduler to run without someone being active on the site? We're in kentico 13

  • Search in Kentico 13
    Question Apr 22, 2022
    Hi Team, Can some one help me how to Implement Search and Search Suggestions in Kentico 13

  • Web Farm Licence
    Question Sep 3, 2022
    Hi Guys, We have a client who is looking to move to Azure and benefit from load balancing. We are using v11x Ultimate and have just been testing this out. The load balancing works, with the exception of its reporting a licence issue, however, I was under the impression that ...

  • Wanna get better and faster support answers?
    Article Jan 2, 2023
    Sometimes our support has to reply to your tickets with additional questions, and this causes delays. Spending a few extra minutes composing the initial issue submission can save you hours. In this post, I will show you 7 simple things that will save time and help us solve th...

  • Cookie usage in multisite
    Question Feb 17, 2023
    Hi, I am setting a cookie in a controller using CookieHelper.SetValue(). I can get the value in my view and see it in the Application tab of dev tools on my main domain. However, in my multidomain installation, I am unable to see the cookie when on a different domain. Can anyo...

  • Kentico 13 Admin really slow
    Question Aug 12, 2022
    I've got the admin site and content site on Azure web apps, the content site is very quick, but the admin site is slow, it can take over a minute to load pages, once a section is cached it seems fine, but thats short lived. The database doesn't appear to exceed 50% load, the ...

  • Using AWS Secrets Manager in Kentico
    Question Jun 3, 2022
    Hi, good day. Our team is planning to use AWS secrets manager to get the s3 credentials in our application. Is there a way to define the secret key and access key id in code level instead of web.config in kentico? Thank you in advance. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanag...

  • Content Security Policy set to frame-ancestors self on live
    Question Oct 31, 2022
    The page editor is setup and works in dev, but on live when requesting the page in the editor domain.com/cmsctx/pm/... adds the header Content Security Policy set to frame-ancestors self. But on dev its set up frame-ancestors www.domain.com admin.domain.com. Any idea what d...

  • weird error "Exception: [QueryProvider.GetQuery]: Query CMS.PageUrlPath.GetPathPrefixes not found!"
    Question Jun 7, 2022
    Upgraded to latest version of kentico, as well as upgraded from ,.net core 3.1 to 6.0.5. Everything runs good locally, but when I pushed the changes out, I am getting this error in the live site, the admin is fine. Exception: [QueryProvider.GetQuery]: Query CMS.PageUrlPath.G...

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