• Kentico Smart Search not working kin kentico 12
    Question Sep 13, 2022
    Hi Everyone, I'm using the kentico 12, in kentico there are smart search funtionality which I implemented in our site for other site its working fine but for only one site its not worked, I checked everything as per the documentation but its not working for me. Only the searc...

  • Local Smart Search Tasks Filling up
    Question Oct 30, 2023
    We've just had an out of memory exception below System.OutOfMemoryException in CMS.DataEngine.BulkUpdateHandler.StartEvent for CMS.WebFarmSync.WebFarmTaskProcessor.Process. On review I noticed there are 1000's of tasks queued in the Smart search local task (which we don't use...

  • Kentico 13 Smart Search not working with Local Indexes
    Question May 23, 2023
    We are implementing Smart Search in Kentico 13. In our initial we had enabled the search feature, followed by adding local indexes (I added a local index with name "DefaultSearchIndex"). For the indexes we have set the path to a page with sub pages so that search results are c...

  • Smart Search - Local index's not rebuilding automatically
    Question Apr 25, 2022
    Hi, We are experiencing an issue where the Local index's of the Smart Search are not automatically rebuilding overnight even though they are set to.

  • Smart Search | Index Type | Custom Index
    Question Oct 10, 2022
    Hi Team, I'm working on the smart search functionality in kentico 12, the smart search result not same in CMS and Live site, Means both result are different. Could you tell me what is the issue.

  • How can I fix this problem of a Smart Search in Kentico 13?
    Question May 25, 2022
    Here is the error message holding me ransom: The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'Kentico.Content.Web.Mvc.Routing.PageViewModel`1[CMS.DocumentEngine.Types.BOA.Search_result]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'access.Models.Search.SearchResul...

  • Smart Search | Index Type | Custom | Pages | Pages crawler
    Question Sep 27, 2022
    Hi Team, Need to know couples of point related the Smart Search. 1. Which index type is good a) Custom Index b) Pages c) Pages crawler 2. Is Pages crawler is good option in live site if we provided to search functionality in a site to public users. 3...

  • Mapping Smart Search index IDs from content IDs
    Question Feb 3, 2022
    Working on a Kentico 11-managed site. Among the custom data types is one representing videos. Each video is associated with one or more topics, which are maintained in a look up table with the topic name and a few bits of metadata. The videos are indexed in a SmartSearch index...

  • Smart Search
    Question Sep 10, 2014
    Hi, My Smart search is inactive meaning i cant type a text in it. how do i activate it?? Thanks a lot...

  • Smart Search
    Question Jul 13, 2018
    hello kentico dev in my project i try to make a customer search when first i select city and job then clikck on search bar what is the best way to do that should i use smart search web part [Image](https://pasteboard.co/Hui5rVr.png)

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