• New Azure BLOB Storage Provider for Kentico
    Article Aug 14, 2018
    Azure is the best way how you can host Kentico sites. It provides you with great tools, easy deployment options, high availability and many more features. BLOB storage is then the convenient place to store all binary files. The standard provider for BLOB storage available in ...

  • New version of Windows Azure deployment script
    Article May 30, 2013
    We have updated our deployment script with new cmdlets included in the latest Windows Azure Powershell (May 2013). If you want to know what’s new, please read my short blog post.

  • Media Library files not uploading to azure blob storage
    Question Sep 26, 2016
    I have a problem on my Website project kentico. It's not uploading the files in the azure blob storage. I already followed the instructions written in the docs. I already put the azure credentials in the web config file. But still not working. It store the files in the local s...

  • Azure blob files not showing in Kntico medi library
    Question Aug 15, 2019
    Hi , I have just started Kentio task and very new in kentico. My task is, to restore prod environment in dev. My kentico project is hosted in Azure. In prod Azure blob is using for holding media files and working fine, but when i restored prod db in dev, media file table co...

  • Multiple sites on one domain in Azure (Web apps)
    Question Feb 14, 2017
    We have one server with one domain, but we would like to add a subsite. In Portal.azure.com you can configure the 'Virtual applications and directories' under 'Application settings'. In general, we have a domain (for example: demo.com) and we want a subsite demo.com/campagne1...

  • Configuring Azure for hosting Kentico with multiple sites and domains
    Question Jul 15, 2020
    I have some questions on hosting Kentico in Azure and was hoping the community might have some advice. We are building multiple sites in Kentico 12 with different custom domains. We currently have one site live which is hosted on an Azure app service. It is not clear to us how...

  • How to improve performance for Import process in Azure
    Question Nov 19, 2015
    Hi all, As the subject, I have a website run on Azure and when I import a package into this website, it take many time (about 1-2 hour, sometime event log show data connection time out error and site is hang up). I can not detect the root cause of this problem. I try to check...

  • Kentico 13 Core - OpenID + Azure AD
    Question Apr 6, 2021
    Hi everyone, We're trying to get a new project up and running with Kentico 13 Core. All has gone smoothly up until now when we need to implement Open Id authentication for our Azure Directory, which we're doing using this Microsoft guide: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azu...

  • Adding Application Insights to a .NET Core Site in Azure
    Article Mar 22, 2017
    Once you select Azure as your hosting platform, a vast world of resources becomes available. From CDNs to Load Balancers, Microsoft’s cloud has loads of great services to help you develop and maintain your applications. Because performance is king, adding Application Insights...

  • Azure Devops Projects/Repos with Kentico 13
    Question Nov 3, 2020
    Any best practices on how to version the Kentico 13 solutions in Azure Devops? Since it is broken up between 2 solutions - 1 for the admin site and 1 for the live website would you make a project for each in Devops? One project with a repo for each solution? One project and bo...

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