• RE:Database Connection String
    Forum Post May 31, 2010
    Hi, from this description it's not clear, if the timeout is caused by incorrect SQL server logon credentials or if there's some problem in network - like firewall blocking the access to the SQL server... Could you please check if that's not the cause of the timeouts? Is th...

  • Scheduled Tasks
    Forum Post Aug 1, 2010
    We are using v2.3a and have recently run into issues with our scheduled tasks. These no longer seem to run and the following error is being logged: Source: Scheduler Timer Event code: TIMERERROR Description: Message: Thread was being aborted., Stack Trace: at System.Threadi...

  • RE:Cannot open database "KenticoCMS"
    Forum Post Aug 18, 2010
    Im getting the same error. This is my connection string. Do i need to change it? <add name="CMSConnectionString" connectionString="Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=KenticoCMS;server=TEST68-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Current Language=English;Connection Timeou...

  • RE:Intermittent error - CMSRoleProvider.
    Forum Post Mar 22, 2011
    Hi, Please find the web.config file on the file system. It is in the web project directory. From the error message it should be in this path: \www\web.config There you can find parameters like: Connection Timeout - for the DB connection executionTimeout - in the httpRu...

  • RE:Repeated login dialogues
    Forum Post Mar 10, 2012
    Following the advice in the article you linked to I set the sessionState timeout parameter to 1000 in Web.Config. Its made no difference. An extra facet of the problem is that each time I click on something that opens a sub-page I have to log in in the sub-page too. I don...

  • BeginRequest takes extremly long to load
    Forum Post Apr 15, 2012
    Hi I am having problem loading the pages on in our internal network, usually first time load or after begin inactive for a few hours. Website also have itermittent timeout issue also. I have included couple of screen shot of the request trace. Any clue is to why it ...

  • Admin unwanted logout problem
    Forum Post Jun 1, 2012
    Hi, We are giving our first steps in Kentico. After the installation of the framework, we login using the default user administrator and blank password. After a few seconds (not even a minute) the login screen keeps appearing over and over. I tried the timeout configur...

  • Unlocking CMS Desk
    Forum Post Feb 19, 2013
    We are using the Active Directory provider option. After the session timeout, we correctly get the unlock dialog, but if a user enters their AD network password to unlock, it fails. Users can successfully unlock by just pressing 'unlock' button, without entering a password. Th...

  • Admin Timout as a webpart
    Forum Post Aug 5, 2013
    When you are in the Admin (CMSDESK) on V.7 and leave it idle for a few minutes, you get a nice pop up to timeout and lockout the admin. I would like to extend this to a private logged in side on one of our sites. Is this a webpart I am missing or is there an easy way to get ...

  • RE:Occasional problem with web farm synch on live site
    Forum Post Aug 29, 2013
    The servers are defined in config. The problem still persists. All we get is the "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error at the web farm log. Any ideas? <appSettings> ... <add key="ChartImageHandler" value="storage=session;timeout=20;" />...

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