• Multilingual support for MVC sites
    Knowledge Base Article Oct 18, 2018
    Currently, Kentico MVC sites unfortunately do not have a working culture context . The only thing we provide is a solution in our Dancing Goat sample site that sets the thread culture based on the route data via MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler . For general MVC projects that ...

  • kentico12 MVC development
    Question Aug 29, 2019
    Hi All, Is there a way to export content types from DEV environment to another UAT environment? we are using k12 MVC development model. Thanks

  • Errors in MVC training course
    Question Mar 22, 2019
    I'm going through the *Kentico MVC for Developers* Training Course and have run into an issue I can't figure out. If there's a better place to ask this let me know. I'm on the section *Creating a basic builder-enabled page*; specifically where it has you build [this piece of ...

  • Creating submenu in MVC
    Question Oct 2, 2018
    Hi, Any suggestion on how to create submenu items in Kentico 11? We're using the MVC development approach and has created the main menu items as in [here](https://docs.kentico.com/k11tutorial/mvc-development/creating-the-navigation-menu). We would like to have menu items belo...

  • Customizing user registration in MVC
    Knowledge Base Article Jun 2, 2020
    By default, there are some restrictions on user names when registering in an MVC project. If you want to customize user name and password formats, a small code change is necessary.

  • MVC nested content
    Question Feb 19, 2021
    I'm sure this is a basic question, but as someone moving from Portal to MVC I have no idea how to do something like this. Anyway, I have a page type called Story, and a page type called slide that lives below it. I am able to get the view for my story to work (we're building ...

  • React for Kentico MVC widget
    Question Jun 22, 2020
    Hi all, Firstly is it even possible to use react for kentico 12 mvc widgets? If so, what are the ways and approaches. Thank you in advance.

  • Virtual Widget for Kentico MVC
    Article Sep 8, 2020
    As developers convert websites from Portal Engine to MVC, Many have said there should be a way to allow front end developers to create virtual widgets in MVC, similar to Portal. That way, front end developers can work more independently, instead of relying on backend develope...

  • Routing and URL handling in MVC
    Article Jun 5, 2019
    The process of URL resolution in MVC is fundamentally different from Portal Engine. It is a vast topic, so nobody really wants to learn it all. However, to set up robust yet simple routing that will make your editors happy, you just need to know a few basics. Are you ready?

  • Kentico 12 MVC Sections
    Question Feb 12, 2019
    Is it possible to specify which sections are allowed on a given EditableArea? I know how to define a section (https://docs.kentico.com/k12/developing-websites/page-builder-development/developing-page-builder-sections), how to specify the default section on a given EditableAre...

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