Web Part - Smart search results

Martin Opletal asked on July 10, 2020 11:01


I have a multilingual website in Kentico 11. I have Smart search the and for results I have "Smart search results" Web Part. In the Web Part in transformation I have these macros:

SearchResultUrl(false,true) - returns URL in current languages

GetSearchValue("Description") - returns Description value in English only

Is it possible to use GetSearchValue("Description") with result in curent language?

Thanks Martin

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on July 13, 2020 01:03

You need to make sure you assign the culture versions in the smart search index. That's usually the problem with this issue.

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Martin Opletal answered on July 14, 2020 07:33

Hi Brenden,

Thank you for answer. All cultures are assigned in the smart search index. It must be something else.

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