Web Page/Document Expired when filtering with Smart Search. Kentico 8.2

Kyle G asked on April 13, 2015 20:08

I have Smart Search filters hooked up to a Smart Search Results repeater. My filters post back to complete the query. Everything works fine, except when I filter and try to hit the back button. I get a Document/Web Page Expired page.

I've tried wrapping the controls in an "asp:updatepanel" in the layout, I've tried checking the AJAX box on all of the controls, I've tried setting the Response.Cache.SetCacheability in the filter's code behind. Nothing seems to work.

Any ideas?


Recent Answers

Nicole Johnson answered on April 14, 2015 12:55


This sounds very similar to my issue here.

The fix for me was to make sure the filters and results parts are all within the same zone then check the update panel flag on this zone.

Can you confirm you are using them all in the same zone with it's update panel flag set?

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Adam Jackman-Moore answered on May 7, 2015 05:16

I have the same issue. Due to design of the form there is no chance of getting these all in the same zone. Awaiting a response for support to see how to fix this.

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