In order to unseal the whole module, with it's UI elements as well, find the right resource id, and perform the next two queries:
The module:
-- update the module
SET ResourceIsInDevelopment = 1
WHERE resourceid = [ID here]
The UI elements:
-- update ui elements
SET ElementIsCustom = 1
WHERE ElementResourceID = [ID here]
Beware that when you unseal a module, and try to export a module: queries of classes within a module will not be exported. It has been verified that version 8.2.39 this has been fixed.
If you want to export these class queries in an older version, update the QueryIsCustom
field to 1 in CMS_query
After unsealing the above, run the following script:
SET [QueryIsCustom] = 1
FROM [CMS_Query] AS [Q]
JOIN [CMS_Class] AS [C] ON [Q].[ClassID] = [C].[ClassID]
INNER JOIN [CMS_Resource] AS [R] ON [R].[ResourceID] = [C].[ClassResourceID]
WHERE [Q].[QueryIsCustom] = 0 AND [R].[ResourceIsInDevelopment] = 1