I am using a macro within the Display Name Format field within the settings for the Uni Selector. It is giving me the output I require but this then breaks the Search functionality of the Uni Selector.
The error I get it to do with the SQL it is building to then search the data:
WITH AllData AS ( SELECT [Review], [ReviewId], [SkuId], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [SkuId]) AS [CMS_RN] FROM TABLE WHERE ((Review IS NOT NULL AND ShowInReviewsWidget = 1) AND ((SiteObjects.SKUs.Where("SKUID= '"+SkuId+"'").FirstItem.SKUNumber|(user)EMAIL ADDRESS|(hash)5a0253c389ef22d400bffb8a7792686875014b109028f679678d896699d7066b LIKE N'%bar45%') OR (Review LIKE N'%bar45%'))) ) SELECT , (SELECT COUNT() FROM AllData) AS [CMS_TOT] FROM AllData WHERE CMS_RN BETWEEN 1 AND 10 ORDER BY CMS_RN
Does anyone know of a way I can still continue to use my macro but not include it in the search?
Have you figured this one out? As it might help someone in the future!
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