Hi David ,
Thanks for the feedback.Yes I have a separate application for client which is an asp.net mvc app and is a form (BizForm). I was wondering if something like this could work as the macro for the field that need's to be invisible or visible based on the selection of drop down this is the field that depeneds on another field, which is the drop down:
Fields.Individual_Organisation.Value == "Organisation"
I tried reading this macro in c# code ,
var jsEval = field.PropertiesMacroTable["visiblemacro"].ToString();
While dedugging this is what I am able to see :
{%Fields.Individual_Organisation.Value == "Organisation"|(identity)GlobalAdministrator%}
Why can't I get thee macro smiply as the macro that I provide? this user and hash always appends when I read the visiblemacro propoerty. I was thinking if I could use any HTML 5 atributes in this way and add some javascript at runtime to the drop down change to do the trick. I am new to kentico , so any help or guidance will be appreciated. Is there any setting that I need to do , to read the propoerty so I could get the correct macro text , without the user and hash string?